
There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London

Which funds from Section 106 agreements, intended for your estate, they diverted to Aldgate Highway Changes?

A project on Middlesex Street Estate, which would have been free, now coming out of Housing Revenue Account.

Andrew Brian Hickman

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Thanks for the links to the information on Section 106 Agreements.

The purpose of Section 106 Agreements, now know as Community Infrastructure Levy "CIL" payments, are for local infrastructure AND local community infrastructure.

The way that the City of London Corporation is allocating CIL funding away from the immediate area from which the CIL charge originated is questionable. 

Link to Communities and Local Government link to an overview to Community Infrastructure Levy (2011)


The Section 106 & Community Infrastructure Levy (City of London Monitoring Report 2016) 


Within the City of London, the Corporation, it Councillors and Alderpersons (not Councilmen or Aldermen) in conjunction with the local residents need to ensure community consultations as to how present and all future CIL funding is utilised.

I strongly feel that a guaranteed percentage should be allocated for community based projects, which can including funding for community centres, such as Golden Lane. Free broadband for all city residents, if South Korea can provide this to its citizens why cannot he City of London?

If companies want the prestige to be located within the City, the residents needs must always continue to be considered, including providing face masks to all City residents for the lethal pollution that we have to endure on a daily basis.

The City planners need to ensure that all future large scale developments allow public access, with public facilities

Public accessible toilet facilities at ground floor level, for the thousands of visitors who visit the City, will reduced the need for visitors to urinate on the streets as they often do!

Free gyms for the employees, and allowing "local residents" free access

Public spaces on all new skyscrapers

More litter bins

Trees of suitable girth on every street

More on street disabled parking bays on suitable streets

Carbon neutral buildings, encourage on solar power, thermal underground heating power, triple glazing as standard, and other energy efficiency measures

Insist on the employment of local residents for new developments, more apprentice schemes for everyone without age discrimination

More office/residential mixed developments, to include key worker housing. If Southwark Council can do this, The Shard building, why cannot the City?

More to the point, they spent months discussing with us what we wanted 'our share' of the Section 106 to be spent on, then as when it suited them, took it away, unannounced.

Hi Andrew,


The residents collectively need to sign and submit a written complaint/petition, email it to the Ward Alderperson/Councillors, Head of Planning, and City Solicitor, making it clear that the maladministration if not corrected will be reported to the Local Government Ombudsman.


Ms Annie Hampson

Chief Planning Officer

City of London Corporation

PO Box 270





Tel: 020 7332 1710

Email: annie.hampson@cityoflondon.gov.uk


Mr Michael Cogher

Comptroller and Solicitor

City of London Corporation

PO Box 270




Tel: 020 7332 3699

Email: Michael.cogher@cityoflondon.gov.uk


Initially a formal complaints process must be instigated with the City of London Corporation Chief Planning Officer, and should be copied into the City of London Corporation Solicitor, indicating that if the matter is not resolved the community will take the matter to the Local Government Ombudsman.


Once the complaints process has been completed and exhausted with the City of London Corporation, and if they still fail to re-allocate the funding as originally intended, then copies of all communications should be provided to the Local Government Ombudsman, they will then pursue the matter.


Local Government Ombudsman

Tel: 0300 061 0614 Office Hours: 08:30 am - 05:00 pm

Website: http://www.lgo.org.uk/make-a-complaint


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