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There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London

Some residents have suggested that it would be a good idea to have a couple of benches on Basterfield Lawn so that people have somewhere to sit for those outside, socially-distanced meetings that we have to have nowadays. I have spoken to the City about it and it was suggested that we need some sort of consensus on the number and type of benches.

In the Barbican Gardens they have traditional 3 seater wooden benches and to my mind these would be fine unless anyone knows of a more modern design. The benches would be loose as they would then not need listed buildings consent. 

Arguments for are:

During the pandemic people have somewhere to sit and meet outside.

In summer residents who are not on the ground floor of Basterfield and without garden furniture have somewhere to sit.

Arguments against are: 

It could encourage non-residents to use the lawn,

They could attract people to the lawn who may behave in an antisocial way.

My thoughts are that non-residents do not seem to use the lawn much, in the way that the terrace behind Hatfield House or the pond area get used and I don't see that seating for six people would have much of an impact on this. Regarding anti-social behaviour the area is overlooked by upward of 100 flats and we have Park Guard.

It would be good to get as many views as possible that GLERA can take back to the City.

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I think it’s a good idea. Deal with any problems as described as and when they occur

A great idea , also for under great Arthur house space . We were promised at some point planters and seating down there . It’s a dead space
That has so much potential for more greenery and especially in these difficult times when outdoor space is so important .


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