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Get involved in consulting on the proposal to create a miniature forest planting bed at Fann Street on Golden Lane Estate. The aim of the project is to trial the City’s climate resilience measures and to address the City’s key climate resilience risks, by improving biodiversity and reducing flood risk. Help design a space improves the area for climate, people, and nature.

A proposal was presented to the Imagine Golden Lane meeting that took place on Saturday 9th September. If you would like to download the presentation, please go to the Imagine Golden Lane website.

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It’s a pity the only time you ever get involved with GLE is either campaigning for more bike storage, or Mini Forrest in Fann Street. Never heard you once voice concern regarding the film crews or, noise disturbance in Fann Street.

Thanks for this comment. I think it is unfair to say that the only time I get involved with GLE is on bike storage and the mini-forest (which has only just been presented to residents). Both of these projects are linked to the Imagine Golden Lane at Net Zero project which I have been involved with for around three years and which has brought together many people seeking to tackle climate emergency and biodiversity loss.

I hope you will agree that tackling these issues is of value. I have not yet expressed my personal opinion on the mini-forest proposal as this is at present an idea at an early stage of development by the COL Climate Action Team which will be brought back to an Imagine Golden Lane at Net Zero meeting in November. I am also cautious about getting involved in areas where I have no knowledge or expertise. ASB is an area where a number of people on the estate have considerable expertise and where Common Councillors also have a great deal knowledge.

I think that there may be some useful overlaps. Fo example, a new planting scheme may help to prevent ASB if it is carefully designed and also discussed with the housing office and the police.

It would be good to have an in person discussion on these matters, perhaps at the next Imagine Golden Lane meeting taking place on Saturday.



With respect there are many more pressing issues regarding GLE, than bio diversity and climate change. We have an Estate, that’s not only looking neglected and run down, we have a culture of fly tipping, drug dealing, film crews, bike thefts, alongside ASB!! As I understand it, you don’t live in the areas that are subject to these problems, therefore have no idea or interest on an Estate that’s slowly losing its potential, and what’s more, Safety! So I’ll focus on the planting of bags of grass which have been left ‘Fallow’ for months on end, and have just been dumped and left in the well of Cuthbert Harrowing House! How are these pallets of grass going to stop Drug dealing, or film crews, or ASB? What to make the Estate to look aesthetically better? When we have constant flytipping, where the rubbish overspills the garages every single day? Drug dealing taking place in and around the Estate? Film crews gaining access to GAH, and using the Garages as a film backdrop? Windows smashed at all entry systems? This is a major problem, but a few small pallets of Grass will make all the difference.

You talk of a Mini Forrest in Fann Street! So you live in Fann Street? So you put up with the constant noise in Fann Street? The seats where everyone urinates, or people sit there and Drink to all hours? Constant bike deliveries? Although I was on GLERA community for a meer few months, I never saw you at the Police cluster meetings, or raise any concern over the problems we have on the Estate. We all have to live here, and as you have been on GLERA for a few years, and seen the way the Estate has declined, because of these issues, it’s not pressing enough, because it doesn’t really affect you. Yes I’m all for making the Estate a better place to live, and as a resident that’s lived on this Estate for 51 years, I’ve never seen such a decline and non interest. I think proactiveness is more important than virtual signalling. I may be off the committee but that hasn’t stopped me being proactive.


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