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There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



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I'm interested to know any resident's experiences of full fibre (FTTH) Broadband (where you have had optical fibre cable installed directly into your home), as I am considering signing up.

  • Which provider did you sign up to?
  • Are you happy with the service?
  • Is it a reliable service?
  • Do you get the speeds that you were promised?
  • Have you needed to use their customer service (after installation) and if so has it been ok?

Please post here or direct message me if you prefer.

Thank you!

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Hi, Peter.

We're in Crescent House and have had Community Fibre ( since August, with pretty good results. I don't get the advertised speeds, but I also connect wirelessly (and confess I've never tried plugging a laptop directly into the router to test it). I signed up for their Ultrafast plan, which at the time was 200Mbps for £35/month. I was occasionally getting close to that, but usually average around 120-130, which is still significantly faster than the 70 or so I was getting with Vodafone.

Haven't really needed customer service since I signed up, but they're pretty responsive on email, if less so over the phone. I would recommend.


Hi Chris - that's great - many thanks - Another resident also told me they used Community Fibre and similarly recommended it. Thanks again.

Community fibre for us has been terrible. We’re arguing with them now about cancelling. They are being difficult. I have a litany if well documented issues if anyone wants the sordid details. I would avoid this company. We’re changing to Three 5G broadband which should be much better.


Despite being fairly pleased with CF, I'd be interested in hearing about your experiences. You can message me directly if you prefer.

Nick - thanks for sharing - useful to know that not everyone has had a good experience.  I'll DM you for the details.

Hi All,

The connection with Community Fibre keeps dropping out. I have to reset the router 1-6 times a day. When you call customer service, I never get anyone picking up the phone and they never ring me back. I had to go on their public Facebook page to moan in order to get anyone to contact me. They have finally agreed to cancel my contract. I start with Three 5G home broadband tomorrow. Similar price for the same performance but much better customer service. I’m lo let you know how it goes!


Thanks for sharing these details - that sounds like a very poor and disappointing experience.

I wonder if it is block specific... I know of a resident in Basterfield House who is very happy with their CF service and has only had one drop out since installation

Definitely interested to see how the Three 5G service is.  I'm surprised you can get same performance for a similar price, so will be interested to see if it delivers as promised.

Hi All

I have community Fober in crescent House 3rd floor...and yes the connection keeps on dropping off...the speeds are good but not as advertised, and yes their custmoer service is bad...there is no point rining them and they need a week to reply to emails, usually with some absurdly silly advice like "press reset on your router"...oh really? 

I would give hyperoptic a go instead to etst them out, that failing 3 5G.


Hi Philippe

Thanks for sharing your experience.  This is all helping to build up a bigger picture.  It sounds like the service is pretty inconsistent across the Estate given that Chris above (who is also in Crescent House) has reported a mostly positive experience, and I know of a resident in Basterfield House who is enthusiastic about his experience.  So far it seems to be even with 2 positive and 2 negative experiences.


Hi Capucine

Thanks for sharing your experience.  I am similarly interested to see if anyone has experience with Hyperoptic as an alternative.


FYI Peter

My problems have resolved with Community Fibre...good signal...and the help team is getting better...slow, but more attentive

Hi Philippe

Oh that's great - and good to know.  Thank you for updating.



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