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Thanks Christine.  An Ah-ha moment. 

There was an article on Click recently about WiFi and super high-def, which was interesting.  That episode doesn't appear to be on iPlayer yet - it's been broadcast so no doubt they'll upload it soon.



Very similar to the ES article.  I personally find "The Cloud" Wi-Fi in The Barbican centre pretty good.   At home I use a 3 dongle, which I`m also happy with.

What is "Super high-def" Jean???

Jean McMeakin said:

Thanks Christine.  An Ah-ha moment. 

There was an article on Click recently about WiFi and super high-def, which was interesting.  That episode doesn't appear to be on iPlayer yet - it's been broadcast so no doubt they'll upload it soon.



Hi Steve.  Same as Ultra High Definition, it has more pixels than HD which is 1080p.  4K UHDTV is 2160p resolution and 8K is  4320p, 16 times more pixels than current HD of 1080p, so it can show more fine detail and the obvious pixelation which is visible now the closer to the screen you are will be reduced, and you can also get much bigger screens without losing the detail.  The future of TV walls is closer than we think!  Not sure if that's wholly a good thing ...

When I was at the BBC I saw a very early demo of super HD by NHK labs a few years back, NHK were using two projectors to throw the picture onto a screen about 30 square feet, the definition was amazing.  They have developed it significantly over the last few years, and the big outdoor screens set up by the BBC for the Olympics last year were showing them in super/ultra high def.

Interesting/exciting stuff. :-)

Steve Daszko said:

What is "Super high-def" Jean???

Jean McMeakin said:

Thanks Christine.  An Ah-ha moment. 

There was an article on Click recently about WiFi and super high-def, which was interesting.  That episode doesn't appear to be on iPlayer yet - it's been broadcast so no doubt they'll upload it soon.



Thanks for that Jean.    Distressing news to hear though, as I am currently getting rid of all my dvds and replacing my favourite ones with Blu-ray!   Hate to think that Blu-ray might not last that long arrrrrrrrrrr!

I know!  Same thing with video casettes, and I had hundreds.  I transferred to DVD and have done some DVD to Blue Ray but it's impossible to keep up these days!

Steve Daszko said:

Thanks for that Jean.    Distressing news to hear though, as I am currently getting rid of all my dvds and replacing my favourite ones with Blu-ray!   Hate to think that Blu-ray might not last that long arrrrrrrrrrr!

Exactly Jean.  I love technology, but you can`t keep up with it can you?   I ended up throwing all my old vhs tapes away (when I moved here) as not even charity shops will taken them now!!!

Jean McMeakin said:

I know!  Same thing with video casettes, and I had hundreds.  I transferred to DVD and have done some DVD to Blue Ray but it's impossible to keep up these days!

Steve Daszko said:

Thanks for that Jean.    Distressing news to hear though, as I am currently getting rid of all my dvds and replacing my favourite ones with Blu-ray!   Hate to think that Blu-ray might not last that long arrrrrrrrrrr!

Steve I recently bought a Blu-ray player, but it still plays my older DVD's with a slightly enhanced quality to a straight DVD player, so there's no real need to get rid of your old DVD's, only if you want to replace them for aesthetic reasons.

Give your old DVD's a try in the Blue-ray and then decide whether you need or want to replace them.

Steve Daszko said:

Exactly Jean.  I love technology, but you can`t keep up with it can you?   I ended up throwing all my old vhs tapes away (when I moved here) as not even charity shops will taken them now!!!

Jean McMeakin said:

I know!  Same thing with video casettes, and I had hundreds.  I transferred to DVD and have done some DVD to Blue Ray but it's impossible to keep up these days!

Steve Daszko said:

Thanks for that Jean.    Distressing news to hear though, as I am currently getting rid of all my dvds and replacing my favourite ones with Blu-ray!   Hate to think that Blu-ray might not last that long arrrrrrrrrrr!

Hi Bill.


I find the different in picture quality (and sound) of blu ray discs, far superior to a dvd, even when played in my blu ray player.   If we have another Market Day event (under Crescent House), I could sell some???


See you at the GLRA meeting a week Monday?
Steve Daszko said:

Exactly Jean.  I love technology, but you can`t keep up with it can you?   I ended up throwing all my old vhs tapes away (when I moved here) as not even charity shops will taken them now!!!

Jean McMeakin said:

I know!  Same thing with video casettes, and I had hundreds.  I transferred to DVD and have done some DVD to Blue Ray but it's impossible to keep up these days!

Steve Daszko said:

Thanks for that Jean.    Distressing news to hear though, as I am currently getting rid of all my dvds and replacing my favourite ones with Blu-ray!   Hate to think that Blu-ray might not last that long arrrrrrrrrrr!

Hi Steve

There will be another Market Day event this May under Crescent House. I am helping to organise it along with some residents. I'll have some more details to update residents with soon. Watch this space....

Cheers Douglas!


I think the market day should be different from the one last Christmas.

In the past the Gardening Group ran it - and I think Bill & Christine did once - and all tables were for residents to sell their stuff. Personally, I would like the format to remain the same.  


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