
There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London

It would appear that there has been another death in Cullum Welch House, Police have been in attendance for a few hours, paramedics and estate office staff have visited. 

      Judging by the length of time the police have been there is it another gruesome scene where an elderly resident has been left dead in the flat for some length of time, I did see a Gp and the surgery admin worker up there several days ago and thought it odd that an admin worker was with the Gp.

A sad state of affairs.


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This is very worrying, do you know what floor it was on Nathan?

Its on the 3rd floor, I think I may have met the resident a few years ago, if it's the same flat, when I found her mail strewn over Hatfield lawn and decided to take it to the flat. The resident was an extremely old and frail lady with poor eyesight, I noticed that she had one or two cats and if I recollect correctly bare concrete in the flat, I chatted to her for a minute, I remember her saying the cat was having her nap, because I wanted to see them, being fond of animals. I just remember thinking what a way to live in her final years, poverty  in the square mile, bare concrete floors.The cat used to come and and sit on the balcony when she was there to, I think the cats were elderly and I got the impression she loved them and they were the only things she had. 

I haven't seen the cat on the balcony for a while, and thought the corp may have made her get rid of it or them, if this is the case probably speeding her demise, given the recent campaign they have waged against elderly sick vulnerable residents threatening eviction over dogs (a Chihuahua to be exact) and cats. The money time resources and legal fees medical fees spent on this could have been put to better use in sorting out the slow and long term decline of this estate, and double glazing insulation etc

To reassure you there that there was not a sudden death in Cullum Welch today. Officers were dealing with something in the building and paramedics were receiving police cycle training below.

Thats a relief, thanks for informing us, what happened to the lady and her cats who lived there?


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