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There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

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I am starting one thread which I will keep updated with the progress of our campaign. Also please check our Facebook group for more details.

This week we had brilliant coverage in Building Design Magazine. This is widely read by architects and has raised the issue with many architects and commentators including Elain Harwood, who wrote the book on Chamberlin, Powell and Bon and who has signed our petition, with a message of support.

Today brings a heartfelt and personal piece about Golden Lane and the development by Sarah Winman in the blog Spitalfields Life:

It will be a busy week with the Wardmote on Wednesday, and the Elections on Thursday. Don't forget our own Sue Pearson is standing as a candidate.

Also on Thursday, the Islington Gazette is picking up the story, so watch out and buy a copy. The Golden Baggers were out in force for a photo opportunity at the weekend to protest the damage that will be done to the allotments by the new School Hall.

Finally this week CommComm the PR agency working on the project sent out a resumé of the comments to date with the City's justification alongside. We want less defensiveness and more engagement from the City and we have written back to demand that, at the very least, they bring forward plans for the amendments that we have asked for, so that we can all judge the merits of the other options and make sure they are being seriously considered.

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Last week we met with Catherine McGuinness, Chairman of the Education Board and Deputy Chairman, Policy & Resources Committee, together with the Surveyors managing the project from the CoL. This meeting was only to address concerns around the position of the School Hall, although we touched on the need for a school in the first place.

This week the CoL have written to us to say that they will bring forward plans that address the issues that we have raised. We are not sure how far this will go. They say that they do not want to show us the plans yet as there will be another round of consultation with Islington planning this week. 

So we took the opportunity of writing to Islington Planning to make sure that our priorities were clear. We received a quick response back. They will meet with us once the pre-app process is finished and the application has been submitted. CoL have also offered to share with us the written report of the Islington DRP once the consultation is complete.

We are currently waiting to see what the outcome of the consultation will be and whether the plans will be revised to answer our concerns about the School Hall, the density of the housing and the use of Basterfield Mews.

Tomorrow (Wednesday 5th April) there will be an Architects' Charette - an opportunity for any architects (or anyone else with design skills) on the Estate to meet and look at our own alternative proposals. Site message me if you have not received an invitation and would like to come.

We have an update from Neal Hounsell; Acting director of Community and Children's Services:  

Further to our meeting last week I am writing to let you know that we have now had the meeting with Islington planners and we can commence the next stage of consultation. We are planning to undertake a further two week consultation from Wednesday 12th April to Wednesday 26th April and the notices informing consultees and residents should be posted today.


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