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This morning I received a "Stop glazing over our concerns" letter.   It mentions "We recently conducted a residents survey".   I never received such a survey???

Did other residents?

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Neither did I.  I don't recall it anyway.  Will ask about it.  The issue of the windows does concern many residents.

My mum contracted asthma, due to the very poor conditions in her flat.  She was so unwell, and is 80 years old.  Her doctor wrote a letter to the City advising of her condition, and asking them to reinburse her for a dehumidifier she needed, to control the overwhelming streaming of water that ran down her windows, which she was found extremely difficult to clear up, if not impossible.  The response was a refusal, and she was told the condition in her flat was 'normal' during the winter!  She was also told it was her responsibility to clear away the water.  Can you imagine an elderly lady having to stand on a chair to reach the top of the windows?  However, she was also told that the windows were to be updated, but, as usual, no idea when.  I doubt that's much comfort to her.  

Yes Steve I certainly did!
It came round in February I think and replies went back to Danny Boyle.
Marie is right about the windows.
Imagine it was the number 1 concern!

Danny Boyle!  Is he not the film director, who did the opening ceremony for the Olympic Games, with the Queen parachuting out of a plane?  

Sorry Christine.  Just could resist!  Ha!  

I know of another resident who never received this survey. 
Maria Elizabeth Prior said:

Neither did I.  I don't recall it anyway.  Will ask about it.  The issue of the windows does concern many residents.

My mum contracted asthma, due to the very poor conditions in her flat.  She was so unwell, and is 80 years old.  Her doctor wrote a letter to the City advising of her condition, and asking them to reinburse her for a dehumidifier she needed, to control the overwhelming streaming of water that ran down her windows, which she was found extremely difficult to clear up, if not impossible.  The response was a refusal, and she was told the condition in her flat was 'normal' during the winter!  She was also told it was her responsibility to clear away the water.  Can you imagine an elderly lady having to stand on a chair to reach the top of the windows?  However, she was also told that the windows were to be updated, but, as usual, no idea when.  I doubt that's much comfort to her.  

I don't recall getting one either.


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