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My mum lives in GAH and last week had a visit from someone pretending to be  from the social services dept. of the COL. They knocked on her door and informed her that they had received an anonymous letter from another resident who was concerned about her well being. This person requested that my mum let them in to discuss further. She let them in informing me that they were keen to look around her flat. She  asked who had sent the letter but they withheld this information. She informed them that she is always out and about and there was no reason for people to be concerned about her and that she was worried that someone was possibly watching her but they stated that they receive many letters concerning older residents and just wanted to ensure she was ok. My mum informed me of this visit and I was suspicious (she was also concerned that this was a bogus caller who may be watching her flat). On my advice she contacted social services who informed that  they had not sent a social worker to her address and subsequently they contacted the police. The police arrived at my mums flat and after investigation discovered that the COL  had sent someone from the fraud squad to check that my mum is not renting out her flat to a lodger....... my mum is 75 years, on a pension and lived alone for many years. Are they really allowed to do this? they have caused fear and have been deceitful and unkind in pretending that they were concerned about her when all the while wanted to check that she was not making money out of them! Additionally she had been fearful during the night that someone may try and break into her flat believing that she was being targeted by a burglar.

I really want to make a formal complaint on her behalf but she was weary of this.

What do people think? I feel outraged that they can get away with this behaviour.


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Depressing to hear this, COL hits a knew low, given the report today that Valerie, a lady in her eighties has died, after spending 5 days alone on the concrete floor in her freezing flat without  water or food, and the COL have no time for this but have time to terrorise pensioners. Disturbing  place to live for the vulnerable.

Hi Tracy

I am horrified to read of your story.  First of all you need to demand an explanation as to why the COL have sent someone round, from the Fraud Squad, 'dressed up' as a social worker!  From what you say, what on earth can justify such an action?  If the COL have any concerns over your Mum supposedly renting her flat to a lodger, then they should openly say so, and address it with her.  To do this, is shameful, deceitful, but knowing the COL as I do, am not surprised.  I urge you to get in touch with our local Councillor, to support you over this.  What do the Police say too?  I really feel for you, as I have also been subjected to the COL's underhanded behaviour towards me on other issues. 

I agree Nathan.  Also, a neighbour of mine, an elderly lady, whom I have known for 18 years, very well, has had to, because of her health, been taken into residential care.  I will be honest and say that this lady could be very difficult at times,  towards myself, and some of the neighbours, which could be 'trying' to say the least.  However, when she had a bad fall some time ago I comforted her in my arms for nearly 2 hours before an ambulance turned up.  I visited her in hospital etc.  Unfortunately, soon after she came home she got upset again, and had to go back into hospital.  I want to send her a Christmas card, but the Estate Office refuse to tell me where she is.  For goodness sake, it's Christmas time!  I am a close neighbour.  What right do the COL have to 'control' us residents as to whom we may contact or not?  I have been there for her for 18 years.  I am only allowed to take a card with her name on it, plus a stamp, to the Office, in the hope they will send it to her.  This is so wrong.  These are our neighbours.  We are not in a prison camp! 

I also recall, some years ago, meeting an elderly lady, walking on the landing with no clothes on.  I contacted Social Services, and found her flat in a terrible state.  I bathed her, and made sure she had some food, but when I contacted the Estate Office about her I was told it was 'none of my business'!  Well, I can assure the Estate Office that our neighbours, and vulnerable residents, being elderly, or whatever, are our business, because we are human beings that care for others. 
nathan said:

Depressing to hear this, COL hits a knew low, given the report today that Valerie, a lady in her eighties has died, after spending 5 days alone on the concrete floor in her freezing flat without  water or food, and the COL have no time for this but have time to terrorise pensioners. Disturbing  place to live for the vulnerable.

Tracy that's an appalling state of affairs.  I'm afraid I wouldn't mess about and I'd write straight to John Barradell, the COL Chief Executive, demanding an explanation, an apology and some recompense for all the distress caused to your mother.

None of us want to condone fraud, but it appears from your note they had no valid reason to suspect your mother of subletting and thus went way beyond the bounds of any reasonable behaviour; they should know far better than to turn up unannounced to an elderly person's flat and ask to be let in using a fraudulent identity.

I am very sorry your mother was caused such distress and hope she is feeling better now.  No doubt she won't let anyone else in after that horrid experience.  If she doesn't have a chain on the front door I'd be tempted to fit one.  Just in case.

Best wishes.

Hi Tracy

I hope both you and your mother have recovered (somewhat) from this experience. I have only now just read your post and what happened to your  mum  is  wrong on so many levels. This is really beyond belief, a woman of an age where you would think respect would be shown by the people around her has let her down  so badly.

Was the person  male, was he alone visiting a female, did he /she  trick the lady into an invite, if the person showed showed ID was it fake, the list goes on! there are times when the norm can be extended, national security

protection of children, protection of life but this seems to be the result of petty malicious gossip from people with nothing better to do than spy on their neighbors.  I'm assuming your a tenant, if you were a lessee you would have the right to let your flat. The things that the corporation and the police tell you to do to protect yourself (don't let anyone in without id) seems to have been used against your mum.(be wary of cold callers)     

The most unsettling thing is for it to have been caused by someone you meet in your daily coming and goings,

it takes neighborhood watch to a new level.   The whole thing is a shame really most of the people I've dealt with

on the front line in the corporation  are decent people, when given respect they will return it.

Tracy I wish you and your mum the best of luck, and hope you get over this. 

Gosh, this is just appalling. 

I think you need to take the story to the national press as well as lodging an official complaint with COL and our local aldermen.

Though I quite like the idea of the police arresting COL for fraud....

Hope your mom is OK

Now now, that would cause embarrassment  if both parties happened to be on the square.

I'm not sure that trying to involve your councilmen will work.  When I hear them at public meetings most of them (with a few honourable exceptions) seem to be speaking on behalf of the City rather than speaking up for their electors. 

Hear hear,

a sad state of affairs.


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