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Thank you to the 50 + residents who attended the above last night.

I'm sure Karen and Laurence will be able to report back to the relevant quarters on the anger that so many residents feel about the management of the Estate.

As noted, the Chairman of Housing Management Sub-Committee was unable to attend but she did extend an invitation to residents to attend the next Committee Meeting at The Guildhall, 1:45pm on Monday 27th (yes, I know it's an inconvenient time for us lesser mortals with jobs to worry about, but that's how he City works!). It would be good to see some of you there - several people expressed an interest.

And thanks to our Councilman Gareth More for providing a detailed explanation of how the Sub-Committee works.

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Hi Christine.  There was a lot of angry residents at the meeting.  If housing management do not listen and take heed, and do nothing to answer for their failings then it will mean the pressure from residents, and GLERA will have to continue.  It is very sad, and wrong, that we have been put in this position, as the City have a duty of care, which we pay for their officers to uphold.  In all the years I have lived here, being well over 20 years, I have never known such disillusioned residents as now. It has been suggested we should consider contacting the media, and that is a viable option.  

Well maybe the City Officers and our elected Members are finally starting to get the message - franklyI think it is going to be a long haul tho'. And YES we do need to start being more savvy about the media.

David - Fred was sitting near the front and he says that during the meeting he heard Karen Tarbox say to you 'Wind this up as I have to go'.   Is this true?

    If so I think it's appaling that this woman who is paid by our rents and service charges feels there are more important things to do than talk to residents at a time of crisis on the Estate!!!!!!!!!

Hi Alan.  I did not sit near enough to hear exact words, but it was clear that Karen was indicating at some point that she wanted to go.  Whether she had another appointment to attend I do not know.  She left at the same time with Laurence Jones, so maybe they had the same appointment!!  It does seem a bit strange that one officer could not remain without the other one.  I imagine it may have been a lack in confidence.  After all, they were both faced with many angry residents.  

To be fair Alan, at that point Karen and Laurence had been answering questions for nearly 50 minutes and (as Maria says) she might have had another appointment.
But the basic answer to your question is "Yes".
I can appreciate your point though - as did most of the other 50+ people in the room.....when I asked people to keep questions short as they needed to go the response ( as you heard yourself! ) was a shouted " What? To a home with walls and electricity! "


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