I live at 4 Basterfield House, opposite the CoLPAI site. I was at home on Friday morning (7th December) when I felt a shock pass through the building - it felt like a momentary earthquake. I looked out my bedroom window at the site and saw two diggers working on the CoLPAI site near the red hoarding. There were other vibrations after that, as the diggers were using a percussive drill to break up the concrete slabs on the site. I could hear the china and glasses in my cupboards rattling with the vibration, and later I noticed one of the glass panels in my internal screen wall had cracked. I took a short video of the diggers working.
Later that Friday evening at 7pm I went to fetch my car from the garage and as I walked outside I thought I smelt gas, but it was very faint and I assumed that it was from the clay ground that they had uncovered on the CoLPAI site. We left for the weekend and the next thing that I knew was that my phone lit up just before lunch on Saturday. It was my neighbour - where was I? was I in the flat? I could hear her trying to stop emergency workers from smashing my windows to get into our flat. By then the gas had been isolated, but as we were directly above the leak our flat had been filled with potentially explosive gas and needed to be ventilated immediately.
I was a couple of hours drive away from London, but I rang a friend who keeps a key and she jumped straight in a cab. In the next thirty minutes I had calls from the police, friends and neighbours. A locksmith was called to try and open our locks, but had only half managed that when our friend arrived with the keys. The locks no longer work properly, but at least they door wasn't broken down and that is insignificant compared to everyone's safety and what might have happened...
This morning there is a yellow line with the word ---GAS?--- painted on Basterfield Mews that leads from Basterfield House to the CoLPAI site. I went into the undercroft and sure enough there is an old cast iron gas main that is clipped to the ceiling there, and underneath my flat it appears that it branched off just under the road surface towards the CoLPAI site towards where the diggers had been excavating.
This morning I checked the Utilities Survey produced by Peter Brett Associates as part of the planning application and this gas line does not appear on it.