I want to share the alternative proposals that we have been developing for the RCS site.
Low Rise Alternative 1 would place the school under the housing and sink the playground in the same way as Basterfield Lawn and the tennis courts are sunk. This would help with the acoustics of the playground and create extra space to avoid the need for a high rise tower.
Alternative 2 would use the existing primary school building at the rear of the site for the school, and devote the whole of the RCS site to housing. The lease on the school will be up soon and the building will become available. We could get an extra 36 social housing units on the site and create a proper public open space. Basterfield Wood anyone? The cost would be greatly reduced by avoiding relatively expensive high rise construction.
These are not designs for the site; they are just diagrams. It would be appropriate if an international competition were held to design the housing. But we have developed outline plans for each level to check the calculations for areas and units, and both of them match or exceed the current proposals by Hawkins Brown, so we are confident these are realistic alternatives for the site.
Here is a video link to a short video outlining the schemes.
There is another excellent alternative scheme by Fred Scott here.
We welcome your comments and thoughts.