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There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



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I was wondering if there were any existing efforts to coordinate support to older residents in the event of a worsening coronavirus situation. In such a scenario I imagine older neighbours will be staying inside their flats and may need others to drop supplies or food off to them? Anyone know anything about that, and how the rest of us might pitch in? 

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I am a full time carer to my elderly partner, who has dementia, and am keeping him indoors for a while.  He is happy, as does not like going out when its cold anyway.  I don't have any elderly neighbours myself, but would be happy to help, but, as yet, don't know about any such plans.  You raise a good point. 

I'm unable to lend a hand as I am immunosuppressed myself, however I have seen a similar discussion on the Barbican Forums that might be of interest:

They're currently discussing volunteers for home deliveries should anyone require them on the estate.

Thanks Clare!

Actually , I was thinking about this as well. I'm happy to help out if needed.

Alright, let's see how the situation progresses and use this thread as a place to organize if need be. 

Good one Lee

Happy to help too

Does anyone know how to reach people in such cases?

Is there somehting being coordinated by the City?

Finding out who our neighbours are would be immediate neighbours are young and appear healthy. I do not know the older ones further up.

Knocking on doors and offering help could be a start, or dropping a note? I doubt the older generation will be on this online community group.

How do we coordinate?

I am on the 3rd floor of Crescent house like maria and could watch out for our neighbours on this flloor. How do we cover the other buildings and floors?


Also consider joining this Facebook group:

oooops- just duplicated this?

This is a great idea.  I suggest we contact the Estate Office to find out if there are any plans being led by the Housing Department.  We should probably also coordinate with the local supermarkets and pharmacy, as they may turn volunteers away if they have to implement a quota system and we turn up with a long shopping list on behalf of others.  I'll drop a message to the Estate Office to find out if they have any plans and post back here what I find.

Hi Peter and Philippe. There is an email thread going with several others at GLE on this topic. If you'd like to be added, just drop me a message at leewilsonbailey at gmail and I will loop you in. 

thanks will do

Hi Lee

I have just tried to email you but I cannot get your email addy to take. Please would you post it as I would like to join the Volunteers for Coronavirus. 


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