
There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

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Sharing the proposals for the development to replace the current Museum of London

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More offices


Oh no not please re offices

..but what else will pay for it?

They were managing to pay for it when it was going to be a concert hall.

what is interesting is that they have carried on with the museum relocation without knowing how they are going to pay for it.

My initial in:

  • mark the Wall line across all the public realm- inc the street.
  • ditto the Roman/ Medieval moat (if one existed)
  • mark all and any bomb craters as the entire site was cleared with German help in 1940 an dI read there is no ‘Blitz’ memorial in the City- only our Firefighters.
  • why not a simple T-junction?  Th eexisting rotunda garden will be lost anyway and replaced by the new building?  Retaining the loopy ex-roundabout just gives us another Old Street disaster zone.
  • lots of trees please- sequester carbon, shade in Summer, homes for wildlife
  • a fountain or 3- the sound battles against urban drone


  • the rain (& sun) shade over public pavements is a pleasing feature of the current Barbican & Golden Lane edge design- full arcades on Golden Lane- definitely encourages pedestrianism 

Just spotted this.....

Website: londonwallwest.co.uk

A public exhibition showcasing the early proposals is being held in the Frobisher Room 2* of the Barbican Centre, EC2Y 8DS, on:

Wednesday 8 December, 4pm-8pm

Please enter the Barbican Centre via its Silk Street entrance where staff and signage will direct you to the exhibition itself.

What we want to hear from youWe are undertaking an extensive consultation process on the proposals for London Wall West,with local residents, visitors, workers and other stakeholders all invited to provide their feedback.This consultation is your opportunity to have your say in shaping what will be one of the mostexciting projects in this part of the capital.Some of this work has already begun, as described on page six, but we will be conducting further consultation as the plans forLondon Wall West are developed. Your feedback is vital in helping us to shape the proposals ahead of submitting a planningapplication for the site in 2022.To view the plans and provide feedback you canPrecedent images of potential office spacesAttend one of our public consultations at the Barbican Centre:Email:londonwallwest@barbican.org.ukPhone:0800 082 0464


"this consultation runs until 31 December, at which point we will collate all feedback for the design team to consider for the next iteration of the designs. However, we will of course continue our dialogue with residents much beyond this.

Thank you for suggestions regarding marking, road layouts, trees and a fountain - we will carefully consider them in the updated designs.

Best wishes,

The London Wall West Consultation Team"

If you see the document that they have produced they have set out the results of the initial consultation and then ignored them completely. As usual City ‘consultations’ are a waste of time.


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