
There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



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Site of former Richard Cloudesley School

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Good evening all.  I am putting up this post as early this morning my partner of many years, John passed away after suffering from several years with Dementia.  I had looked after him as his sole carer for a very long time, until it was decided that he needed 24 hour care, which I  was not qualified to give him.  He was moved to a nursing home, where he received a lot of love and care.  Yesterday, I spent a few hours with him during his final time, with our beloved little dog Poppy.  I am devastated.  This time 3 years ago I lost my Mum to Cancer, and now John has gone too, also with suspected Cancer as well.  My love to him, and a big thank you to all my dear friends who have supported me.  Now they are both gone I am left with no family, apart from Poppy! X

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Sincere condolences Maria, I am truly sorry for your loss

Bless you Christine.  Thank you so much for your kind words. X

Dear. Maria  the loss of two of the closest people who are most inextricably interwoven into the tapestry of your life and emotions is nothing less than gut wrenching, raw devastation. I'm truly sorry for your loss and will contact you privately over the weekend.  With warmest wishes and prayers. 

Dear Patricia.  Thank you so much for such a kind post.  I really appreciate it.  Yes, I have lost the 2 most important people in my life in a short space of time.  Your kindness means so much.  Bless you. XX

Dear Patricia.  Thank you so much for your visit and lovely plant.  I very much appreciate so much kindness.  XX

Im Very sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences to you .  

Jax.  Thank you for your kind words. X

Dear Maria

I am really sorry to hear of your bereavement. I am thinking of you. If I can do anything to help, do let me know.

Take care.


Dear Lee.  Thank you so much for your kindness.  Hopefully, soon, we can get together for a chat. 

With love. Maria X

Dear Maria

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.
Thank you for letting us all know - I know how difficult it was for you when John finally had to go into care.
As others have said, let me know if you think there's anything I can do.

Take care of yourself,

David KW

Dear David

Thank you so much for your kind message.  You know from experience the difficulties.  I very much appreciate your post.  It is very hard going through a bereavement.

Bless you. 



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