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Following the consultations last month and the comments that were made by residents; here is the first formal response from CommComm, on behalf of the City of London, summarising the feedback that they have received from all of us.
This report does not give any decisions on the changes that we have requested. It presents the majority of the points we have raised and it also justifies the existing scheme by putting their case alongside ours. It would be interesting to hear your views, but at present it does not offer any reassurance that any of the modest amendments we have asked for will be made and it appears that the amount and density of housing will not be reduced.
Apparently we will be given a further two weeks (until 31st March) to send in any further comments, suggestions and ideas. These are a critical two weeks with elections coming up and the Wardmote.
Thanks for the video Charles:
To any outsider/s it clearly and visually explains the deficiencies with the present proposals.
My comments to sent to Jessica Stewart <>
solar panels,
trees for shade, lots of planting to soften the interior,
a fountain/ water feature for Summers especially,
at least one public sculpture,
ease of access for disabled residents & visitors - maybe 1 few disabled parking bays,
staff parking for the school,
ensure some key worker housing for the teachers, local key workers,
secure bicycle/ motorcycle/ scooter storage,
sheltered walkways/ arcades (as Stanley Cohen onto Golden Lane)- crime-proofed,
I personally support going high rise at the East of the site- subject to having well-maintained, crime-proofed, multiple lifts AND all/ most being available for key workers. (and preferably an architectural answer to Great Arthur's wing)
An excellent video. (Are you a professional?)
I have sent my comments to Commcomm.
"A dramatically better solution for:
the school hall-
locate at North East corner of site- internally connected to school
ceiling height of 3.5 metres
animate Eastern street frontage
service from Golden Lane
allows retention of the disabilty garages and retain/ improve greening of Southern and Western boundaries
Also could the Northern edge of the school/ revised hall/ and housing tower follow the boundary line with th eFashion College? This would disassociate the new development from the listed Golden Lane Estate visually AND increase the footprint of the flats allowing more units on the site!!!!!
What is that dead space to the North and East of the school?"
Ms Jessica Margaret Stewart BSc (Hons); MA
CommComm UK Limited
Managing Director
34/35 Berwick Street
Tel: 020 7125 0421
Mobile: 07788 758517
9th March 2017
Dear Ms Stewart,
Richard Cloudesley School Golden Lane EC1Y 0TZ
As a City of London resident, who has lived within the area for many years, I am very concerned with scale, massing, and many other aspects of the proposed Richard Cloudesley School (RCS) development.
I understand that your company CommComm UK Limited, has been appointed by City of London Corporation, to act as their public relations consultants to engage with the local communities in regards to the proposed redevelopment of the former RCS, therefore you can expect that the affected communities may rightly want to know more about CommComm UK, your officers, your company registration number, the decision making in your appointment, and if the contractual terms include any enhanced remuneration dependent upon the final number of units achieved.
Earlier this afternoon I telephoned you on the mobile number provided on the CommComm UK website, Mobile: 07788 758 517, you answered the call, asking me “why I wanted to know the company registration number,” and then suggested I go to Companies House website, after which you abruptly terminated the telephone call, which I felt was not very polite for a public relations communications expert.
As stated on CommComm UK website, “her canny way with the close knit community, including retailers and businesses, both at meetings and with the written word has greatly assisted us in putting together an extremely difficult project.” (David Williamson, Byrne Group, CommComm UK Website)
I would like CommComm UK to raise all of the following issues with City of London Corporation, and provide me with a written reply:
Architects, is their remuneration in any way linked to the number of units achieved upon planning?
Public Relations, is the contract with CommComm UK Limited linked to the number of units achieved upon planning?
Site Ownership: City of London Corporation to take full control of the site, incorporating any part of the site that does not fall within it’s boundary into its boundary, paying Islington an appropriate sum.
Council Taxation, clarify which council the new residents will be paying their council tax to.
Archaeological Survey, full site archaeological survey required, allow local residents to participate, with any finds donated to Golden Lane Residents Association.
History, City of London Corporation to fund a project to compile a fully comprehensive history of Golden Lane, Cripplegate, and Golden Lane Estate. Consider interviewing original residents with a view to creating a video library.
School, relocation of the school hall to north east corner allowing internal connection. Separating the school hall from the main building will only create extra work for the schools cleaning staff in adverse weather conditions, and create loss of heat during winter. Separate staff parking. Consider allocating a few apartments to the school, which they can allocate for trainee staff. School kitchen fumes to be ducted away from residential areas. Services access must be from Golden Lane.
Disability, all areas to be disabled accessible.
Street Lighting, Consider installation of enhanced street lighting.
Allocation Rights: Both councils to retain 50/50 nomination rights for the social housing. Guarantee a minimum number of apartments for key city workers, staff from the Neaman Medical Practice, nurses, doctors at BARTS, Golden Lane Estate staff.
Staffing: Resident numbers will increase, therefore increase the funding to allow more staff to be employed by Golden Lane Estate Office, with guarantees of minimum staffing levels with no cut-backs.
Height massing, reducing the height to blend in with adjoining buildings, maximum 6-7 floors. The site is being overdeveloped purely to meet the social housing requirements of both councils, however City of London Corporation has continuously failed to provide social housing within its own boundaries.
Health, provide funding for two additional doctors at Neaman Medical Practice. Provide free Baby First Aid, Sports First Aid, General First Aid Health and Safety training courses in conjunction with St. John Ambulance for local residents, courses to take place at Community Centre or Guildhall.
Apprenticeships, ensure that local residents are offered guaranteed apprenticeships by the developers, guarantee work placements for local youth interested in architecture, project management, development, construction.
Mentoring, City of London to guarantee to the new school mentoring opportunities within its own institutions, rather than relying upon local businesses.
Security, all entry, exit points to residential building to have video imaging intercom. School to have secure entry, exit points with image recording to school office.
Amenity Space, all apartments to have one external balcony, with enough room for a small patio table/chairs.
Green Energy, solar roof panels on residential building and incorporated into the external balconies glazing, electricity generated to be used for residential common areas, any surplus income from electricity sold to National Grid to be provided to Golden Lane Residents Association for community use.
Trees, of suitable girth to be planted along Golden Lane, Fortune Street, Fann Street, Goswell Road, and Aldersgate Street, these will help to absorb air-born pollution which blights the area. State the exact numbers that will be planted.
Nature, provision of suitable bird boxes to be located within the locality, enhancing the natural planting within and around Golden Lane Estate to be maintained by City of London Corporation. Consider provision of window boxes.
Allotments, provide suitable funding, to allow greater participation by disabled users, re-chargeable electric tools, yearly grant.
Public sculpture, competition for a new public sculpture perhaps in keeping with the history of the area, sponsored by the Goldsmiths Company, City Bridges Trust, City of London Corporation.
Bicycles, secure underground on-site bicycle storage for residents, consider providing a free bicycle to each apartment. Secure bicycle storage within the school grounds or underground for staff and pupils. External ground level bicycle bays for visitors.
Parking, underground parking with one space for each apartment, dedicated bay for deliveries, dedicated visitors parking for, disabled drivers, mobility scooters parking with charger points on all levels, bicycles, motorbikes. Dedicated underground parking for school staff. Underground and on-street electric car charging points along Golden Lane, Fann Street, and Goswell Road. Provision for additional disabled, and residents parking bays on Golden Lane, and Fann Street. This can easily be done as some of the pavements widths are far too wide.
Windows, triple glazing as standard within development. Consider installation of tinted glass for school windows to eliminate external visual intrusion.
Natural Light, floor to ceiling windows, living rooms within new building to make full use of natural daylight. Reduction in proposed height to allow continued use of community allotments, and natural light to existing properties within Golden Lane Estate.
Ventilation, all bathrooms, cloakrooms, kitchens, to have electric ventilation to reduce internal humidity.
Noise Pollution, free provision of triple glazing for all adjoining residential buildings, to include new curtain rails, and heavy duty curtains/blinds. Mature planting within schools external play areas aiming to buffer/reduce noise pollution.
Water Provision: Provide a water feature, fountain, with drinking facility for the public. These were common features in the past, they enhance the visual environment, and provide a community benefit through the provision of free drinking water.
Community Centre, new social housing is welcomed, however there will be extra demands upon the Golden Lane Community Centre, City of London Corporation to provide funding for two full time staff in perpetuity.
Swimming pool, upgrade all facilities, additional funding, as it will be used by new residents, and school children
Historic England, publish their written response.
Harm, the proposed scheme causes more harm than good to the neighbouring listed Golden Lane Estate.
Social Housing, If the City of London Corporation truly wishes to provide social housing within the City, it must participate with Taylor Wimpey to ensure a minimum 30% provision for social housing at the proposed Bernard Morgan House development, within the City boundary.
Thank you presenting my views, and opinions to the City of London Corporation.
Yours sincerely
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