Our resident Councillor, Sue Pearson and GLERA are inviting residents to a zoom meeting on Thursday 3 December to discuss the draft Barbican and Golden Lane Conservation Area Supplementary Planning Document which will be presented to the Planning and Transportation committee for approval in February next year.
A conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. This means that when a conservation area is designated, the Council has recognised that the area has a special character and identity which is worth protecting. This is on top of the protection our estate has by its listing. The proposal does not include the Welsh Church or other buildings between the Barbican and Golden Lane which you may like to discuss.
You can read the draft document here
Supported by GLERA (Golden Lane Residents' Association)
RSVP for Barbican and Golden Lane Conservation Area to add comments!
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