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Why is there bike parking in the basement of GAH in front of the street level glass? I had my storage unit broken into by kicking the door in, and my bike stolen. I have complained since we moved in (several years ago) about locks on this building not working an I have been given a list of excuses as to why the locks don't lock and why it cant be fixed to see me into the next millennia.

And now they put bike parking in the basement in full view, with still... faulty locks. Is it just me that thinks this is a bad idea? The staff have told me this is a 'time delay' on the locks, which I have tested and shown to staff, that it is a fault.

As a side note: The locks can stay open for the whole day. I have reported this to the police, GLE staff and City Housing. Nothing has been done, and after seeing numerous people in the basement smoking dope and the fact that my unit was kicked in (which wont have been quiet operation) I'm venting here as I have had nothing back from any other avenue.

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The Corporation moves in a mysterious way, their wonders to perform.

I'm sure we all feel your pain, but I'm not certain if anyone from the Corp ever looks at these pages.  It would be kinds nice if they did, and acted on some things ....

Good luck with hanging on to the bike ;-)

Hi Jean.  I am pretty sure that someone from the COL does look at these pages.  After all, Robert Jacks is a member on this site.  They do see, but do not act!  And, as for them being 'nice', that is something they do not do! 

Jean McMeakin said:

The Corporation moves in a mysterious way, their wonders to perform.

I'm sure we all feel your pain, but I'm not certain if anyone from the Corp ever looks at these pages.  It would be kinds nice if they did, and acted on some things ....

Good luck with hanging on to the bike ;-)

James, you have my sympathy.  How typical of 'excuses' being given.  I had a storage unit in Hatfield House basement, but, all my property was thrown out as I refused to pay for the shed, as it was not safe down there, due to people also using it for drugs, and who had keys for this area.  When I asked if they were also to be 'thrown out' too, I was told it was 'a different matter'!  Am not surprised you are upset.  As for them saying about 'locks not working', its amazing how they can change locks when it suits them though!

The bike racks in GAH were installed because of about 18 months of lobbying by residents of GAH.

As bike racks were installed across the rest of the Estate various residents demanded that GAH was not left out.

As chair of GLERA I was only asked why they were not installed a month ago.

If more people came to GLERA meetings we would get a much wider view of peoples concerns regarding the Estate.

Bike racks have been an ongoing item of discussion at meetings, mostly with residents wanting them, if there were objections we haven't heard them, until now.

The issue is time and time again I have reported this issue, before the unit was broken into when there were people in the basement smoking drugs and blatantly using the doors with faulty locks. COL housing, GLE staff still wont do anything about it. City police were pretty surprised by this. while as a cyclist I'm delighted that steps are being taken to make it easier to own a bike, there has to be a provision of security, especially as its within a residential block. I just hope that with the racks on show isn't going to encourage any more theft in the area.

Bill Clifford said:

The bike racks in GAH were installed because of about 18 months of lobbying by residents of GAH.

As bike racks were installed across the rest of the Estate various residents demanded that GAH was not left out.

As chair of GLERA I was only asked why they were not installed a month ago.

If more people came to GLERA meetings we would get a much wider view of peoples concerns regarding the Estate.

Bike racks have been an ongoing item of discussion at meetings, mostly with residents wanting them, if there were objections we haven't heard them, until now.

We are looking into this, and as soon as we have the appropriate information it will be passed on.


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