
There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



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I just would like to ask other people's opinions on the above subject.  I received 2 'demand' letters today for sheds, one of which is not mine.  These letters were pp signed by a retired porter!  As these are official letters, I do not think this is right.  I was aware that only the Senior Estate Officer, and the Estate Manager had the authority to send out official letters from the Estate Office!  Also, the letters 'threatened' to change the locks to the sheds!  I would also like to know who pays for the administration costs of these letters, and for a locksmith to change locks?  If it's us, the residents, then surely all these costs outweigh the new cost of having a shed in the first place!!   Am mystified!!!! 

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I have lived here for over 10 years, i was given a key for a shed with a busted lock by a member of staff at the estate office,this was recorded by him in a big a4 black book, lol. The  sheds were there for the use of residents for free due to the lack of space in the flats. I was surprised by the state of the basement, usually flooded for half of the year, due to the lack of maintenance of the flats stopcocks which are located in the basement and the plumbing of the flats above, and due to the lack of cleaning of the entrances they reek of rancid urine, and sometimes have feces on the floor next to the doors, due to some visitors being caught short using them as open air toilets, the smell would take your breath away in summer, there is usually empty marijuana bags left by some office workers having their lunch time or evening spliff on the estate, lol.  I was also told by a member of staff not to store anything of value in the basement as there was no clear or comprehensible record of who had or was given keys to sheds, and speaking to neighbours who said their belongings had been damaged by contractors breaking and entering and showing no care or attention for the property contained in them, probably due to not being able to acquire a key or not bothering at all.

I received a letter from the estate staff demanding rent and threatening to break and enter the shed change the lock and dispose of the property contained within if payment was not received by a deadline, I think this was last january. On the invoice it said payment could be made online. I rang the estate office and spoke to the person responsible, he told me I could pay online, but as he had no access to these records and was not willing to check these records, saying if he checked the records he would spend everyday all day on the telephone, therefore he would  carry on with the threatened action and have the lock  busted, and have my property disposed of, and if I wanted to have any piece of mind I would have to go the bank and get the cash and deliver this personally to him, which I promptly did. He spoke to me with relish , and gave left me with the impression he was getting maximum satisfaction wielding his newly granted  managerial responsibilities.


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