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There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



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Waste Watch has been awarded a grant by the City of London Corporation to help the residents of the Golden Lane Estate create the kind of environment they want to live in. We are therefore keen to get your ideas on what changes you would like to see to your environment, and how we can help you to realise them.  To do this, we intend to hold an Open Space event in the Community Centre to establish what you might like to do with this project.  We’ll also have a table at the Market Day so do please come and have a chat with us then.  

We hope that you will see this as an opportunity to make happen any environmental ambitions that you have been harbouring, either for yourselves or for your community. What we are offering in support is lots of experience, information and advice; time to help organise events and activities; connections with the relevant teams at the City of London to help speed things along; and plenty of enthusiasm! I've already seen there's a discussion on this forum about becoming a transition town and we'd love to support you in achieving that.   

If you have any ideas for changes that you would like to see happen, you can share them with us as a comment in this discussion thread, in person at the market day or the Open Space event, or directly via or on 020 7549 0317.

For more information about Waste Watch and the work we do to help people waste less, here’s a short video.

Thank you!

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Draughtproofing and Energy Saving Workshop - Tuesday 8th November 7 - 8:30pm, Golden Lane Community Centre

With the dark evenings drawing in and the temperatures falling, come along to a practical workshop to find out how to identify and stop the draughts that bring cold air into your home and carry the warm air out. We'll also have a set of games and activities that develop awareness of what in your home uses the most energy and things you can do to minimise your energy consumption. Anyone attending the workshop can borrow a "real time display" electricity monitor and take part in our energy challenge to reduce their electricity usage by 10%.


There'll be drinks and snacks available to keep the wolf from the door and hopefully some knowledgeable Golden Lane residents with examples of what they've done to keep their homes warm without breaking the bank!

Thanks to everyone who came to Tuesday's workshop, it was great to see participants' ideas and experiences being shared and inspiring each other. For anyone who would have liked to come to this workshop but was unable to, I will be running it again at 11:30am on Saturday 19th November. Do come if you're interested!

Jonny Hazell said:

Draughtproofing and Energy Saving Workshop - Tuesday 8th November 7 - 8:30pm, Golden Lane Community Centre

With the dark evenings drawing in and the temperatures falling, come along to a practical workshop to find out how to identify and stop the draughts that bring cold air into your home and carry the warm air out. We'll also have a set of games and activities that develop awareness of what in your home uses the most energy and things you can do to minimise your energy consumption. Anyone attending the workshop can borrow a "real time display" electricity monitor and take part in our energy challenge to reduce their electricity usage by 10%.


There'll be drinks and snacks available to keep the wolf from the door and hopefully some knowledgeable Golden Lane residents with examples of what they've done to keep their homes warm without breaking the bank!

Hi everyone,

There's a great event on at lunch time Friday18th November in Trafalgar Square:

Various foodie luminaries will be preparing a free lunch for as many people as possible from fresh food that would otherwise have been thrown away. This is to raise awareness of the incredible amount of food we throw away uneaten each year - 7.3 million tonnes at the last estimate.

Various Waste Watch people will be there so do come and say hi if you can.

hope to see you on Friday,


Hi all,

This Saturday (17th December) the second Golden Lane Community Cafe is happening from 11-1 in the community hall. With Christmas in mind the theme of the event is sharing so whilst there will be tea, cake and coffee available, if you would like to bake and share something with your fellow residents that would be very welcome. I'll also be there demonstrating how to turn every day materials into Christmas decorations or presents, and there'll be information available for anyone interested in joining a local timebank. For further info please have a look at the listing in the Events section.

Hope to see lots of you on Saturday and happy Christmas,


 To kick the New Year off to a caring sharing start, we thought it would be nice to put on a community cafe at which you could donate any unwanted Christmas presents or other things you no longer use, and perhaps find something that you want much more to take home with you. Basically, anything that's reusable will be welcomed as a donation and hopefully taken for free by a happy new owner. There are some things we can't accept however, which are broken items in need of repair, food (unless it's a cake for the community cafe!), toiletries, sharp or dangerous objects, and upholstery without a fire safety tag. Working electrical goods will be taken but will have to be taken at the new owner’s risk. For more information, please look at the events page.


This will all be happening in the community centre on Saturday 28th January from 11:00-2:30pm. As it's a community cafe event, the usual delicious cakes, tea and coffee will be available. If anyone wants to join Rachel, Tim and Roberto as a community cafe cake-maker, do please get in touch as i'm sure they'd appreciate sharing the load.

A quick reminder about Saturdays Give and Take day and Community Cafe. It's from 11am - 2:30pm, donations from 11:00-12:30 and collections from 12:30-2:30. Anything electrical or electronic to be taken at the owners own risk but if there are any electricians on the estate who'd like to share an hour or so on Saturday morning to safety test any such items, that would be hugely kind. 

Hope to see lots of you on Saturday,



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