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You might like to buy some tape that will with stand condensation and tape up the gaps in the window frames, the weather seals have all perished in my flat and i now have a yearly routine of taping up the gaps. On a windy day you can actually hear the wind whistling through the gaps in the windows, lol, Some of the windows in the block are warped, and i have been told that one OAP woke up to find icicles on the inside of her windows this year, lol.
I did read somewhere printed on the corporations garbled unfathomable web site last week, wish i had have recorded where, but they are more than aware of the woeful thermal design and performance of the estate, I think it was to do with great arthur house were the condensation water flows freely down the interior of the exterior walls, the tv aerial maintenance man once told me every flat he visited in the block stank of damp, the gist of what they where saying on their website was that no tenant or lease holder would be allowed to install secondary glazing or anything that would detract from the appearance of the flats from the outside.
I was told at the estate office that condensation is entirely the fault of the residents for not ventilating their properties properly, even when i mentioned the fact that the heat retention of the buildings was like a tent. One housing manager told me to open the windows and turn the heating up high, lol.
I requested that the window seal be renewed twice, and expressly requested that they dont bring sticky back foam, as this would last a week or maybe 2, as the windows did not seal with compression and the foam would be scraped of in a week, so on both occasions they came with foam, one of them stood on my living room floor in a puddle of melted snow and brown salt from his boots, while explaining to me why it was good to have condensation on the windows, i cant remember his logic, all i remember this is a new one on me, the ramblings of a half wit, he evened managed to wipe one of his boots of my sofa, after this i gave up asking them, and now every winter i tape up the gaps in all the windows.
We actually had the windows cleaned twice, the first by abseil which caused damage to the external electrical trunking due to where they anchored their ropes , the second by some cowboy with a yard brush and hose with a piddle of water attached to a very long pole reaching to the top floor from the tennis court, I was at home when this joke occurred, and when he had finished bouncing the brush of the windows and they had dried I would never have guessed that anyone had even attempted to clean the windows. I was told at the estate office that abseil option was too expensive and the yard brush on a stick was the preferred method to waste residents money. I would like the option to opt out of paying for this as no one asked or consulted me and the results were pathetic.
I have been stood up many times so to speak,lol, by senior management, staff and contractors, this is the norm with the city of London, after all its only the richest local authority in Britain, their time is more important than any resident, and on the matter of trust, the staff at the estate office take no ones word as a matter of course unless its another member of staff a contractor a resident who holds sway.
We have a similar problem and I resorted to taping up the gaps for the winter time only. It was basic but effective. I have fitted one secondary acrylic window as a test. It is difficult to work out how much it saves but over a couple of years would pay for itself so I shall do the whole flat before the winter. The main problem of low temperature is the heat loss through the single glazing. Unbelievable that the CoL stands by and watches the energy wastage.
It should help with noise from the Shakespeare and it's customers which is a huge curse on the peaceful enjoyment of our flat.
I will be dead before the CoL would do anything about it.
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