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Its that time again when we need some suggestions on how to spend the so called 'Shed Money'.

This year we have in the region of £10,000 to be allocated.

Each suggestion must be in some way beneficial to ALL the residents of Golden Lane.

We've had two suggestion so far :-

1. A large notice board situated at a location to be determined that is for residents use only, with maybe separate sections for GLERA, Garden Group, Ralph Perring etc. and a space for personal messages.

2.Squirrel/Crow proof waste bins, which would stop waste being thrown about and therefore mean less clearing up.

If you have any other suggestions please post them on this site so that we can all comment on them and eventually come up with a consensus that we can take forward.

Bill Clifford

Chair of GLERA 

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I suppose in the grand scheme of things it`s not a major issue, but be nice if it was repainted eh Jean.

Hear....................hear all!  Yes, "shed money" should be spent on something not covered by the COL charges.   Can this be discussed at next Tuesday`s meeting, or is that on a different agenda?    I shall be attending anyway.

p.s. Jean, can`t see you PDF attachment???

I know I'm sorry, I had two goes including trying to zip the file as it's too big for this site but no joy.

It's the first PDF on this page though if you want to trawl through 267 pages



Actually I've just noticed these are out to consultation!!!  Did I miss a note about this or is the Corp keeping it a secret?

Steve Daszko said:

p.s. Jean, can`t see you PDF attachment???

Cheers Jean!

I would like to suggest that instead of thinking of this as £10,000 per year - a small amount of money, we think of this as £50,000 over five years - a larger sum of money. I would like us to have a five year strategy and one that helps to increase the greening of the estate. The past five years have seen amazing progress with the work of the Gardening Group and the Allotments Group. What is the next step?

Could we extend the allotments to other areas if there is enthusiasm for more people to have allotments; could we create a planted wild flower meadow; or could we install water butts to make the most of rain water for watering the grounds and the allotments. I have suggested an item for the agenda of the next GLERA standard meeting (not the special one this Tuesday) but the one on 8 October to discuss ways of greening the estate. If you have further ideas, please list them here.

Whilst I`m a "rookie allotment" guy, I would be interested in this idea?

How about getting rid of that horrible fir tree in front of Basterfield House? Totally out of keeping and ugly.

Just a thought here as I agree bins and door numbers, like the painting and upkeep of communal areas is a COL responsibility and why put the money we all ready paid them back there... A year of so ago there were some posts about setting up a drawing class or photography class. However it would have been necessary to raise funds for hiring the community centre. Perhaps some of the money could be used for something like drop in classes open to all residents. The estate has a lot of creative types living here and it would be nice to have opportunities for people to meet up and exchange knowledge and ideas. Even a free monthly film night would be nice. Use the money to provide residents with something where they could get together and do something interesting without being restricted to being over 55 to participate. I'm sure there would be plenty of suggestions of what residents might enjoy for something along these ideas.


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