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We will shortly be appointing the Windows Replacement Programme Consultant to commence the survey of windows on GLE, with a view to starting the installation process of new windows in 2016. In the meantime if you are experiencing drafts, difficulty in opening or closing windows or are concerned about the safety or security of your windows please contact the repairs helpdesk on 0800-035-0003 or by email on and we will make arrangements to attend to check windows and effect temporary repairs if required.
I take it that this doesn't include Great Arthur House, whose start date for window replacement is this august.
Please do crescent house tennis court side, I am sick of freezing.
And where in this statement does it mention double or triple glazing?
What exactly is meant by "Window Replacement".
We will need to go higher than the Estate manager, and it should be in writing, not hear say.
Since 1998 there have been rumours and hearsay propagated regarding double glazing on the estate, and while every authority around the UK took full advantage of EU and UK money and grants to upgrade their social housing, the COL chose to ignore GLE.
The COL can if they want move to take rapid action on projects when it suits, a prime example was the double glazing and solar panels installed in GLE leisure centre, this was done without planning permission, as I remember receiving a letter from the COL a year after the opening of the centre seeking retrospective planning permission. Obviously a badminton court gym and swimming pool have a higher priority than the COL's residents living conditions.
The housing department commenced work in Crescent house kitchens under the so called decent homes project without listed building consent.
Maintenance companies regularly ignore the listed buildings status.
The community centre have a satellite dish on their roof.
It should be noted that some residents have taken matters into their own hands and have installed their own double glazing, if there wasn't an issue with cold and damp and the potential of being billed again for any future window replacement scheme why would they have gone to such expense?
A proposal ( for new windows say) is ok if it leaves the building unharmed or causes no harm to historical asset, and can be said to preserve the significance of the asset.
I have never heard or seen it recognised by the COL that there is a problem on GLE with fuel poverty, cold, damp, condensation, mould, and the subsequent health problems, especially for vulnerable people.
If people do not make clear complaints in writing with any relevant medical evidence or other evidence i.e.. Photographs surveys etc the COL can go on reducing diminishing and dismissing any concerns, and especially if people don't put it in writing or publicise their concerns.
If an individual approaches the COL with concerns they become the problem, if ten or more people approach the COL with the same concern it becomes an issue.
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