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Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London

Hi after many years of use and accumulation of builders'dust/dirt,my Sky+ Box needs replacing. Sky no longer offer a replacement so you are obliged to take a Q Box - free Box but £30 for the Engineer to install and I'm responsible for ensuring that they take the old box away with them! I duly paid and appointment was made. As suggested, I called the engineers (separate company but happen to be our contracted engineers for GLE) to confirm the appointment and all was fine. By chance, I happened to ask if anyone else in GAH already had a Sky Q Box installed and the guy said he would check. He came back with an email from our EO to them saying that they are not allowed to link a QBox to the Satellite dish on the roof and no explanation or reason why was given. So the appointment was cancelled. The EO then confirmed this was the but without any reason or explanation. So much wasted time. Can I ask what other residents have done in this situation please? Thanks. Patricia

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