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I had a power surge earlier this evening and now I have no TV signal. Did this happen to anyone else in Great Arthur?

I have called the TV people and left a message. If anyone is having the same issue and wants to call them, the number is 0845 230 0028. The more calls they get, the quicker it will be sorted.

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  Hi Richard  thanks for your post. The power surge happened so quickly I wasn't sure whether there was one or whether it was just my TV playing up. I've pulled out every cable to the TV, Sky Box and router (I was getting various messages on screen including 'not connected to broadband'. Shut everything down, reset the remote, reset Sky etc, etc.. So glad to hear it's not only me but not impressedthat I'm left with only a Tablet  as nothing else works :(       I have called MDTV on the above number and. have also asked them to make sure that they check flat 78 to make sure everything is working before they leave. Thanks again. Patricia

Same here in Crescent House.  Thanks for calling the TV people.  Its really odd, because I pulled out my aerial from the wall some hours after and I got ITV, then BBC, but nothing else.  How anything works without an aerial is baffling!  

It is working again now. One TV came on fine but I had to re-tune the other one.

Hi Richard. Yes, TV back but couldn't get Wi-Fi on the Tablet until now! The Gremlins working overtime. MDTV informed and they are phoning others now to check they are also sorted.  Would be interested now in hearing about anyone's experience if they tried to have a Sky QBox installed. Have a good day everyone. 

They rang me when I was out and left a message saying it was all fixed and advising people to re-boot the sky box or re-tune the TV. They also said to call them back if there are any problems on 0345 230 0028.This is a better number to keep as it is charged at standard rate. The 0845 number is premium. If people have inclusive minutes on their mobiles or landlines, they shouldn't get charged for 0345, but will for 0845.

Thanks for all info. P

 Begs the question - what caused a seemingly estate wide power surge? 

It sounds like it happened all over the estate. It was very shortlived. Our TV had no signal and our oven stopped working until be reset the clock. TV was fine next day

Another power surge and another loss of TV signal. This is just ridiculous and really annoying. If it has happened to anyone else, please call them and leave a message on 0345 230 0028

Hopefully the more messages they get, the quicker they will come out.

They has just called me back and the guy is on his way over so there is no need to call them.

Hi Richard  is this a repeat outage tonight, 30th October?  Asking as my TV has cut out again. Patricia

Hi Patricia, yes it is. He is on his way to fix it though so hopefully it won't be too long to wait.


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