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Good evening all.
At present I am asking the good folk on this Estate to report any ASB or Noise Disturbance which affects our daily lives and wellbeing. I have asked a few Residents about the issues they’ve experienced, especially in Cuthbert Harrowing House, and Bowater House which overlooks Fann Street. Tonight alone we’ve had cars blaring out music, doors slamming and loud speaker conversations, and using Fann street as a urinal. I have also been informed of Alleged drug deals taking place, of which I have seen a few.

This is an issue which cannot be ignored, and in light of the recent rogue film crew (around 30-40) who took over the garages on Thursday Night, and of which I have footage, it’s escalating, the Estate is becoming a beacon for anyone to rock up and use as they please.

I’ve tried to put a stop to this for the past four years, many an email I have sent to the relevant Depts, but it seems no one wants to take up the challenge and address this. On my part all I can do is keep trying, until something is done. In the meantime can I please ask, if you see or hear anything which is deemed ASB or Noise Disturbance, please write it down, and submit to the Estate office, (anonymously if you wish) or better still, post on this site! Thanks for taking the time to read. This is your Estate let’s try to make it a better place to live.

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Tonight walking home from Farringdon we saw three people by the planters opposite the Barbican Wildlife Garden. One of them, I think a girl was bending over a planter she moved back as smoke poured out and a very loud bang went off. Very antisocial. My ears were ringing 

We heard too, we guessed it was by the planters. We jumped out of our skins when the fireworks were set off. Very worrying!!
Another incident that a neighbour has reported to the estate office. A group of young men, one loudly making threatening phone call and throwing eggs over 3rd floor of Stanley Cohen walkway onto Golden Lane. I was out so missed it but was aware of a group of young people running along the walkway very noisily. I am assuming they are from Bayer House or friends of lads in Bayer.

Hello Christine. This is shocking. Only today us residents in Crescent House received a letter from the Estate Office, telling us not to let in anyone we do not know into the building.  It appears there must have been incidents of people who should not be let in. I know of people knocking on my door trying to sell broadband packages recently on 2 occasions. It appears matters are getting worse. 

It doesn’t help when home deliveries (Deliveroo etc..) hold the door open of folk want to get in the block.   As for the broadband companies (Community Broadband) which they knocked on our door,  if the Estate office generated a flyer/letter to inform Residents these companies have permission to be in the blocks.  I’m pretty sure that’s what they used to do, many moons ago. 

It would also help is doors actually closed properly too.

Plus withing the last 6 to 8 weeks the lower glass panel in the Basterfield/ Stanley Cohen entrance was broken. Its been fixed now but I can't imagine how anyone does such damage?

In all, this is the reason why I want to do something about what’s happening on the Estate lately.  It’s not going to be a quick fix, and at the moment it might be minuscule measures that can be put in place.  The cluster meeting with PC Christine along with Allison and James,  recognises there’s issues that need solutions.  One message was clear,  anything that’s deemed anti social or a noise nuisance from whatever element,  report to the estate office.  

There is filming on the estate right now. A neighbour just reported it in our WhatsApp group. He will let the Estate Office know.
It would help if the City let us know about these so we know if they are permitted.
I’ve taken a photo of a film crew by Cuthbert Harrowing (this afternoon). Not sure if it’s the same crew. Chances are Christine, they haven’t permits to film. When Embankment films shot the series in Aldersgate St, the Shakespeare, and the shops along Aldersgate st, we had scheduled filming notices from Embankment, giving us warning and an itinerary of the schedules. I’ll also report to the Estate office. Thanks for posting.


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