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I just would like to ask other people's opinions on the above subject.  I received 2 'demand' letters today for sheds, one of which is not mine.  These letters were pp signed by a retired porter!  As these are official letters, I do not think this is right.  I was aware that only the Senior Estate Officer, and the Estate Manager had the authority to send out official letters from the Estate Office!  Also, the letters 'threatened' to change the locks to the sheds!  I would also like to know who pays for the administration costs of these letters, and for a locksmith to change locks?  If it's us, the residents, then surely all these costs outweigh the new cost of having a shed in the first place!!   Am mystified!!!! 

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Nick, I agree totally.  There are indeed many empty sheds out there!  Bureacracy is right!  This whole thing is ridiculous.  Too much red tape, I think!!  Lets hope that common sense resumes soon!! 

Where are you currently looking for a shed, out of interest?

Nick.  Is that to share one with someone?  Half price then!!!!

Hi Tracy!  Great to see you here, even if it is a 'horror' story about sheds!!!  I agree, too, that not enough care is taken by porters to check them, and sweep communal areas! I occasionaly, get my area washed, and it looks nice afterwards.  However, normally I have to do a lot of sweeping.  I accept that it's my responsibility to clean my area where I have a lot of plants, but I find myself doing more than I should, to be honest! 


This whole situation with the sheds is highly unsatisfactory.  The administration costs of invoices, threatening letters, and locksmiths running around, changing locks here and there, must surely be far more expensive than what they make out of charging us for a shed in the first place!  Typical beaurocracy!!  And, Mr Jack's letter about this, said they were 'reintroducing' charging for sheds, although none of us can ever remember there was any charges in the past!  Cough!!! 

Hi Tracy.  Was the letter 'threatening' to change the shed locks?  That's the one I got pp signed by a retired porter.  I called the Estate office today, to explain one of the sheds was not mine.  It had been in someone else's name, and after they vacated it 2 years ago, the locks were changed.  I got the new key to retreive my stuff, and returned the key.  However, it was firstly claimed I still had the key, which I did not, and then I was told I hadn't returned the key to the right person!!!  Now, they will change the locks again!  We all know that locksmiths are not cheap, so who is paying for all this, I wonder?  The whole thing is a farce.  Tell the office you don't have a shed, but don't be surprised if they try and insist you do!!!  Ha!Ha!  Let them change the locks!  Oh!  Another locksmith!!!!!
Hi Tracy!  We certainly must catch up soon!  Have a lot to talk about!!!!   XX

You poor thing!   If it wasn't so frustrating, it would be funny!  I bet the letter was pp signed by our ex porter!  I think all this power has gone to his head!!!!  I had exactly the same letter for a shed I didn't have, but it included one for a shed I do have!  One thing right!!!!

Let me know how you get on tomorrow in the Estate Office! 

Good luck! X

Hi Tracy!  Did the letter threaten to change the locks, quoting Section A, and saying the locks to the shed will be changed bla.bla.bla?  And pp signed? 

I agree Tracy.  Mind you, Mr Jacks is not known for his helpfulness to residents, and I guess he gave the authority to a certain person to pp these letters.  I know that the Senior Estate Officer has officially written the letters, but he is on leave at the moment, which is why they have been pp signed.  Am sorry, but I don't think it acceptable for a retired porter to be allowed to deem who should receive 'official' letters like this!  That's management's responsibility!  This whole thing is a complete shambles.  It is obvious that a large amount of these letters were printed up, which costs money.  Also, with all the threats of locksmiths being 'let loose', I guess that us residents will have to foot the bill!  I doubt if they will actually earn any income here! 

We certainly need to give this matter some thought! 





Good for you Tracy!  No doubt he will 'defend' this situation, but, you are right, he is responsible for this mess!  It's typical Corporation of London attitude to 'threaten' residents!  I think I'll also email him too!  XXX

Hi Nick.  There are a lot of empty sheds around.  Not a lot in Crescent House, where I live, but quite a few in the basement of Hatfield House, that have been empty for years!  There were a lot of official notices put up on the shed doors, also signed by a retired porter! 

Hi Jane.  What a lot of horror stories about sheds lately!  Do you know, nothing you have said has surprised me about this.  It's ridiculous, and disgraceful you didn't get an apology. 

Am glad it's sorted now, but I agree that the management of the sheds is 'messy'!  Really, this should be administered by Estate management, and not a retired porter, with all due respect! 

Hi Tracy, 

Am still none the wiser as to why a retired porter is administering all these sheds!  And pp signing official letters, demanding payment etc! 

You say another letter has now arrived!  Not again!  And, where does Pat get his 'information' from in the first place?  It's so easy to pass blame!  This whole matter should be the responsibility of the Estate Manager, or Senior Estate Officer, only!  To make decisions on who has what shed, and who pays for what etc, should be a administered by a manager.  That's where the 'buck stops!' 


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