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Has anyone else been experiencing problems with reception for the ITV and C4, More 4, E4, etc. channels since New Year?

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On a more serious note - we need to write a general letter to the Lawrence Jones - and put all our signatures on it - and let him know that this situation is something the Estate Office needs to sort out asap.  I am at work all day and therefore cannot be available as and when to anyone who wants to come and look at my TV.  So ....what are we going to do about it?????

Hi Kathy.  Considering that Laurence Jones is a member of this site, then he should see all this anyway!  And, sort it out.  That also applies to Mr Jacks, who is a member too. 

Hi Maria

Lovely to hear from you - so what do you suggest...wait and see if we have any reaction from the Estate Office - I bet they just pretend they can't see, hear or speak !  In the meantime we are all staring at screens that keep on freezing on us.  Any useful suggestions are most welcome.

Hi Kathy.  My comment was 'wishful' thinking, as that is what should happen.  I am not affected by this problem, as my aerial is attached to Hatfield House's one.  However, I am the rep of Crescent House, so maybe I should send an email, pointing out this issue on here, in case its been overlooked, and ask what they are going to do about it.  It is totally unacceptable that anyone should have to suffer this.  The COL are the landlord, and they are the ones responsible for this situation.  Am not sure what else to suggest at this time, apart from loads of people turning up at the Office protesting with placards, and staging a sit in!! 

Hi Maria

I didn't know you were "our rep" in Crescent House.  Super-dee-duper, it would be great if you could send an email to "all at the Estate Office" stating that the problems that most of us ( a vast majaority) are having with the TV reception - is their problem.  The COL are our Landlords as you state, and it is their absolute and total responsibility.  They were the ones who put the arial where it is - and had all of us stay in (I had to take the morning off work) so that all the cabling could be sorted out etc.  It is no good for them to now say they are washing their hands off the matter and it is our problem.  Sorry - it isn't.  Good luck and keep us posted.....!

Will do Kathy.  Will send an email over the weekend. X

A resident in Crescent house who is not on the internet told me that he rang MDTV about the TV reception, they told him to buy a new free view box as he had already tried re tuning it, he bought a new free view box, and surprise, surprise it didn't make a blind bit of difference, so now he is out of pocket, has two free view boxes, and no decent TV signal to use them on.

Thank you MDTV.    

TV picture is already on the blink since 18:00, another weekend of joyful TV viewing.

Thank you MDTV, the estate office and the corp


Hi Maria

Many thanks - your a star.  Let us know how it goes  -  because again the TV was mucking everyone up on the weekend.xx

Maria Elizabeth Prior said:

Will do Kathy.  Will send an email over the weekend. X

Hi Kathy.  Laurence has been sent an email, asking him to address this issue as soon as possible, as the situation is unacceptable.  X

Hi Maria

Well done - let me know when/if you receive a reply.  xx
Maria Elizabeth Prior said:

Hi Kathy.  Laurence has been sent an email, asking him to address this issue as soon as possible, as the situation is unacceptable.  X

Hi Kathy.  Here is the email I sent.  Will let you know if or when I get a reply.

Dear Laurence
I am writing to you as the Block rep. for Crescent House.  As you will see from the many posts on the Golden Lane website, concerning the above,  that many people are not happy with this situation.  It will not be necessary for me to go into full details, as you are able to read the posts yourself, but I would like to ask when you are going to address this issue?
I noticed that one resident was told by the Estate Office, on 15 January, that they would be contacting MD TV about the problem, yet another resident was told by the Estate Office that they knew nothing of the problems over the aerial, on 27 January, and told the resident to contact MD TV herself.  Can you please explain this as people are understandably not happy with being told different things! 
Finally, as you know, it is the Corporation’s responsibility, as Landlord, to deal with such matters, and certainly not expect residents to do it. 
I trust I will hear from you shortly as to what exactly the Corporation will be doing to rectify the problems, as it has been going on for an unacceptable amount of time,  and it is unfair to those residents who have been affected.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Maria E Prior
Crescent House

Kathleen Comiskey said:

Hi Maria

Well done - let me know when/if you receive a reply.  xx
Maria Elizabeth Prior said:

Hi Kathy.  Laurence has been sent an email, asking him to address this issue as soon as possible, as the situation is unacceptable.  X


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