I appreciate that Golden Lane Estate, or rather the land on which it stands, may have been out in the country during the dark ages, and admit that I invented the title for no other reason than to get your attention, however, I sometimes wonder what the place might have looked like before the second world war, or indeed, as long as the site/area has housed people. I know that there were streets that ran through what is now the estate, and printed off an enlargement of an old map a while back which I acquired from the Metropolitan archives.
Doing a google search on the subject, I stumbled across Andrea Klettner's site Love London Council Housing
I appreciate that her site is likely to be familiar to many of you and may have been the subject of numerous previous discussions on this forum. If like me you've never heard of her, do check it out, if only to see the 'Look at Life, top people film.
I would be intrigued to look at any historical site/information that would provide further information. Do let me know if you are aware of anything. Thanks, Dave Butcher