GLERA joined the Estate Office, Common Councillors and other residents on an Estate Walkabout on a bitingly cold morning on Wednesday 12th Feb.
The main takeaways from the walkabout, which lasted an hour and took in about half the common areas of the Estate were:
1) Drainage has not been routinely maintained and cleared for some years and there are blockages all over the estate, causing damage from the paving outside Cuthbert Harrowing, flooding on the car park ramp, lifting flooring in the sports hall, uneven paving on the podium and spalling concrete in the sports centre changing rooms. It is really urgent that an estate-wide maintenance and unblocking contract is organised immediately.
2) The Estate Office suffers difficulties with contractors claiming they have attended site and carried out works, which it then transpires are not done, or not done properly.
Attached is a summary of some of the points that came up on the walkabout. Many thanks due to the Estate Office Team for organising this.