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The parade of shops under Crescent House seems to be getting shabbier by the year. No wonder the shop-keepers are gloomy about trading conditions. A few steps would transform it, among them:
- increased sweeping of the pavement which is usually heavily littered (a noisy motorised street cleaner sweeps the gutter of the highway daily which is rarely necessary, but nobody seems to do the pavements by machine or by hand!)
- replacement of the current really dreadful lighting with new units, selected carefully to give better, safer lighting but without glare (i.e. downlighters).
- maintaining the lighting properly (light bulbs are not regularly replaced and at any one time several lights are likely to be inoperative).
- repairing the mosaics on the columns and cleaning them regularly to remove graffiti and stickers
- tough action against the shop businesses who deposit boxes, delivery crates, A-boards, rubbish and other clutter on the pavement during the day and overnight.
- removal of all the projecting shopfront fascias and signs which have accumulated, most recently external metal shutters at one of the cafes and yet more projecting signage on two shops.These make the already dingy area claustrophobic and unappealing to walk along, which is presumably why most of the pedestrians use the pavement on the opposite side of the road, narrow as it is. At night this parade is quite unpleasant to walk through.
- replacement of the once largely uniform shopfronts along this parade (only two survive in their original condition, though the Exhibit gallery has replaced the one there makin three in all).
- redesigning the ramp at the entrance to Crescent House (this was a well-meaning but incompetently designed alteration to the entrance area) so that it is not a litter trap, is less appealing as a public urinal and can accommodate two residents at once.
- enforcement of the planning status of the building as Grade II* listed building. coomercial tenants simple alter shopfronts without consent and the City does not enforce against them even though many changes are post the listing. (Compare this with Bow Lane and other City shopping areas, when the Corporation exercises very tight control and insists high design standards).
It is the first building in the City as you walk South down Goswell Road.The City owns this building and I understand the Housing Department lets the shops for the benefit of the housing revenue account (though the HRA is about to abolished under new Government arrangements). The City is also the highway authority and and the planning authority with a statutory duty to protect listed buildings. Whichever way you look at it, its down to Guidhall to take the initiative and make this dingy and unappealing parade a more attractive and welcoming gateway to the City.
Hello Roland,
How I agree with so much of what you say, particularly about the state of the ramp leading to Crescent House. The part you refer to is often disgusting, and seldom cleaned. The also is true of the other entrance on the corner of Baltic Street, for Crescent and Hatfield Houses. This, too, is also used as a urinal, and the rubbish often left in that area is a disgrace!
As for the shops, a lot certainly need smartening up! As the City Corporation are responsible the 'buck' stops with them! But, as usual, they only address things that suit them!!
How about sending a copy of your comments to the recently formed Housing sub Committee?
If you Google 'City of London Housing Management Sub Committee' all the details come up.
Only found out by accident that the above had been established; can't quite see why they haven't advertised themselves...
Roland any news on this?
Hi Christine. The Grade 2* status only applies to Crescent House!
Christine Clifford said:
I always thought this estate was Grade 1 listed with Great Arthur Grade 2 * but I was looking at the booklet called Golden Lane Estate A listed building guide for residents. It has a diagram showing the whole estate as Grade 2 including Great Arthur. The Grade 2* is the entire stretch of the estate along Goswell Road. In which case how has it been left to become possibly the most in need of renewal/ refurbishment?
Perhaps the booklet is outdated?
Have you seen the newly fitted dental surgery?, new heights and standards reached in refurbishment and improvements to the estate , I do not think so, more like the new shabby chic third world look, you should go and look at the appalling work done on the tennis court side, I was shocked that they were allowed to open for business given the state the builders left it in, it looks like a squat.The builders installed three or four extractor fans and instead of cutting the plastic signage they have smashed holes through it with a pick axe, and on one occasion the builder actually drilled through it from inside and a chunk of plastic fell on the pavement,The units in the clinical area have been rammed up against the glass with all the ugly plumbing exposed and what looks like Windowlene smeared over the windows as a cheap camouflage. I just look at it and marvel, who in the corporation passes this work as acceptable given the fact that the estate supposedly has grade 2 listed building status, if I did the same as a resident I am sure I would be getting a notice to quit.
Nathan I saw that window on Sunday when I walked along the back of the shops (which I haven't done for a long time, as I came from Baltic Street to CWH) and I thought they were still decorating! It's truly awful. Surely they don't intend to leave it like that? Given the Corp write to us about making sure we have clean windows and nice curtains/window treatments I don't see why they can't ask the commercial premises to do the same.
It must be hard trading conditions for shop keepers at present, but keeping the place clean and tidy need not cost a lot. The entrances to either side of Crescent really are very grubby. My main window lock is jammed at the moment so I'm struggling to clean my windows, but at least I'm having a go.
Agree with all of Roland's points, in particular repairing things like the mosaics on the pillars (or piloti for Le Corbusier. fans). It would make such a difference to the overall aesthetic. That's what the Corp should be spending money on, not ripping up perfectly serviceable (and original) paving around the swimming pool to lay new material which is bound to look shabby in a few years due to lack of proper maintenance.
When the corporation of London do ant repairs to their own offices they employ proper builders who have decent standards, for instance when the estate office was refurbished and re painted they used a proper contractor, whilst if you rent here you are at the mercy of the contractor who has that contract at that time, Linbrooks then Inspace and now Linbrooks again, and they do as they please and are backed up by the corporation no matter what standard the work has been done to, and don't get me started of about the joke that was the decent homes scam, lol
BTW, I did put in a formal objection to the proposed works around the swimming pool. I'm not sure if it will do any good .....!
Christine Clifford said:
I hope all, these excellent criticisms find their way to the appropriate departments.
Hello Jane.
The Corporation proposal is:
"Open Space South of Basterfield House: Removal of existing paving slabs within the designated ball games area and replacement with dark grey sports floor matting, installation of perimeter fencing to match existing adjacent fencing."
You can find details on the planning application site:
The Golden Lane application ref no is: 12/00626/LBC
This link should take you to it:
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