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It is Wardmote Wednesday (22 March) next week at the Surgeon’s Hall, Barbican. This is your chance to go face-to-face with your existing elected representatives (councillors) and those who are standing for election. The following day is election day. In my experience, councillors are not the most charismatic people in the world, but they do a job, and they are meant to do it on your behalf. This meeting should be far more exciting than the last one I attended on Golden Lane (read the blog at basterfieldbilly.blogspot.co.uk). So do Democracy a favour and get yourselves down there and give them some lip.

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Ask them why they have failed to hold quarterly local surgeries on Golden Lane, or at the Guildhall

Ask them why some have failed to provide their contact details on their election leaflets, I assume they do not want to be contacted?

Ask them to encourage all local business and all service providers to the City of London Corporation, to pay their employees the London Living Wage (City already does)

Ask them how they will, if they will empower local women, providing resident women with help for local strategic, economic, and enterprise funding

Ask them to provide a gender pay audit for all staff

Ask them not to approve any cuts to social community services

Ask them to challenge national government and retain a greater share of business rates to be spent on community needs

Ask them what they have against the provision of social, key worker, affordable rent housing within the City boundary

Ask them to ban diesel cars within the City, and introduce its own scrappage scheme, or ask them to walk through Beech Street twice daily without a face mask.

Ask them to get things done, cut bureaucracy and red tape, if Redrow can refurbish the ex-YMCA tower block within one year, why does it take them years?

Freedom of speech, in all manners...

So get yourself to the meeting and ask them yourself instead of handing out orders to other residents.

Thanks Billy, I certainly will be doing so...asking is a means of communication...

The more louder the voices the better.

It may be difficult as the candidates have apparently been allocated two minutes each for their speeches.

What time is it held?
The Wardmote tonight is a great opportunity to see and hear the people who will represent you in the City for the next four years. It starts at 7.30 in Barber Suergeons hall.


In rough figures there are 1500 voters in the Barbican 750 voters in Golden Lane.

You have up to 8 votes, you do not have to use them all you can just vote for one person.

The most important thing all residents can do if they want their voice to be heard is VOTE.

· Last time the top candidate got 373 votes, the lowest elected 297.

· Only around 20% of Golden Lane voters voted.

Let Common Council hear what you want.

If you haven’t already had a postal vote the polling station is in the Sir Ralph Perring Centre.

It opens at 8am tomorrow, Thursday, morning and closes at 8pm.

I will be there Sue, with my family, and friends, and even Lulu, although she is not allowed to vote!  Good luck.  You deserve to win a place. 


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