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I am looking for somewhere to park my ancient motorcycle which is secure and waterproof (the garage, not the bike).  Either a complete garage or space 2m x 700mm- 6' x 2'.  Either on the estate or locally.

Happy to pay a contribution if sharing.

Sadly the estate Office cannot help as no further allocations are taking place until the Contractors for Great Arthur start work and the South end is decanted....sigh.

Iain Meek
07960 173 903

Views: 246

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Hi Iain.

The only spaces I know that are available are sheds, situated under Hatfield House.  I used to have one there and there were many empty ones.  The rent is £2 per week.  Would one of those be any help to you?  

Many thanks for that, Maria. 

I have had a look but I don't think a motorcycle would go around those corners.

Best wishes


Maria Elizabeth Prior said: The only spaces I know that are available are sheds, situated under Hatfield House.  I used to have one there and there were many empty ones.  The rent is £2 per week.  Would one of those be any help to you?

The Barbican only seems to have parking bays so possibly not very secure.  I shall look into this one further.

"The annual cost of renting a motorcycle bay is currently £279.00 (includes an administration charge of £58)"

Thank you, Christine.

Christine Clifford said:

Have you asked about parking in the Barbican Estate Office? I think their underground parking is secure and you don't have to live there to rent space. The office is next to Lauderdale Tower the most westerly of the three towers.
That said Maria's suggestion seems a good one.

The Estate's Office tell me that no new allocation of sheds will happen until the Great Arthur works have been started and they know how much of the Southern garages and sheds need to be moved North to give the Contractors storage space....sigh.

I wonder if simple camouflage might work- rust coloured paint and some old Honda stickers for security and a breathable waterproof cover for protection.  :)  But garaging outside an individual garage would invalidate my classic motorcycle insurance-  DRAT.

I have been down to say 'Hello' to the chaps at Lauderdale Tower car park and discovered that motorcycles are left 'out' in bays and not allowed into the cages where the bicycles live.  It is no more secure than the City of London car park at London Wall, but costs £279 per annum whereas London Wall is free.  I can spend the saving on better insurance which allows overnight parking outside an individual garage....but, I suspect, the bike may go walkabout if left out for all to see.

I should add my thanks to all who have contributed to this discussion.  It is very kind of you to take an interest in such a foolish matter.

I think camouflage or some other cunning ploy will have to be my solution until I hear of a garage or shed on one of the Islington estates.  Hopefully all will be resolved before my motorcycling season begins when the weather improves.  Meanwhile back to the Classic Car Club with its very limited opening hours.

Sorted.  Huge thank you to Laurence Jones in the Estates office who has found me a mini-garage on the estate.  Spring is here and the biking season is starting.  Yippeee.

Well done Iain!  May I ask what is a 'mini garage', as thought we only had garages and sheds on the Estate?  I don't know the cost of garages, but is a mini garage the same cost as a shed, or is it a bit more?  


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